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Cauliflower Queen

Upbeat sparkly tiara-wearing optimism, small-town politics, and everyone’s favorite tree-like vegetable… no not broccoli, the other one!


Logline: An idealistic small-town beauty queen fights against an unscrupulous potato chip company mogul who wants to pave her town’s beloved farmland, while she unknowingly falls for his son.



19-year-old Olivia Carp enjoys the heck out of her wholesome small-town world and her job as Indiana State Cauliflower Queen and. We open on her giving a cauliflower promotional speech at: 


Bronville’s Annual Healthy Eating Expo!


Where Olivia meets Charlie. The two of them connect instantly. But Charlie has a secret…


His used-car-salesman-esque dad Chip is running for town mayor and planning to commercialize the whole area to accommodate his new “Chip’s Chips” factory. And he wants Charlie to help take down these farmland-loving veggie people.


Unaware that Chip is Charlie’s dad, Olivia gets wind of Chip’s plans for the town. And she knows she has to take action to protect her family’s farmland and everything she loves about her way of life.


So Olivia sets out into ACT TWO with her ancient co-worker/trusty sidekick Ethel to campaign for Chip’s opponent in the mayoral election.


But Chip is not about to go down to some girl, and he’s not afraid to play dirty… 


What follows is a tale of scheming and campaigning, sabotage and secrets, the idea to run for mayor as a 19-year-old (why hello, MIDPOINT), and the temptation to stoop to Chip’s level in response to a deathblow tabloid article of false accusations and the revelation that Charlie is Chip’s son.


As Olivia finds herself in a jail cell, bemoaning how low she stooped and staring down the barrel of a baggie of outrageously delicious Chip’s Chips, she finally loses it with a single cry of, “Fuck!”


But it’s just not in her to wallow for long. Rallying, (and breaking into ACT THREE!) Olivia manages to scrape together the allies and info she needs to get out of jail, save her town’s farmland, reveal Chip’s misdeeds and legit crimes, and find the happily-ever-after she deserves… Ending on a kiss with Charlie, with endless cauliflower fields in the background. 


Writer's Weird Connection to This Story:

Adrienne Thorne was once crowned Snohomish County Dairy Ambassador, a position and title that inspired the absurd yet heartfelt world of Cauliflower Queen. In the years since her days of tiara-induced-headaches and princess-mode speeches, she’s had a feature script produced, sold a spec feature, and been hired for an indie feature writing assignment.

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